Not that this picture is perfect in any way, but I love it. It is perfectly unperfect. I remember that Mommy M and I were just talking and she was rubbing her belly and smiling with delight. I tried to catch that moment because I know how it feels.
One of my best friends from high school had her first baby last week. I was chatting with her today and I loved what she wrote after I asked her, "Are you just in love, or what?" She replied,
"YES!!! I knew that I would love my baby, however, this is much more awesome than you can ever imagine!"
Isn't that so true?
We are busy packing up and painting this week. The big move is supposed to be taking place this Saturday. The house looks great. I'll try to get some pictures up but I keep leaving the camera over there. It may have to wait until we get over there.