It's Raining, It's Pouring
I have to reschedule 4 sessions this weekend due to the weather. Right now, the boys are watching a movie, my girl is sleeping, and I am getting myself a mug of hot chocolate and editing me some pictures! What a great afternoon! I love the smell of rain!

H is for...
hiking! We drove up South Mountain (scary) and hiked for a bit the day after Thanksgiving. The view is fabulous from the top and the hike isn't too hard. The boys liked to watch the bikers on the trails. Simon thought they were superheroes with their wierd helmets. Here's Jonah helping Simon through the rougher parts:

I asked Scott to climb to the top of the rock first so I could take his picture. Scott came down and went back up with Jonah. Scott and Jonah came down and Scott went back up with Simon. While I was taking Scott and Simon's picture another head poked up. It was Jonah! He had climbed up this rock with no help, the little mountaingoat!

("rocky" theme playing) simon beating up the "bad guys"

"the dog" - a neat rock formation. I thought it looked like they were about to be eaten. There was actually a little cave the boys crawled though. They thought that was pretty neat.

I asked Scott to climb to the top of the rock first so I could take his picture. Scott came down and went back up with Jonah. Scott and Jonah came down and Scott went back up with Simon. While I was taking Scott and Simon's picture another head poked up. It was Jonah! He had climbed up this rock with no help, the little mountaingoat!
("rocky" theme playing) simon beating up the "bad guys"
"the dog" - a neat rock formation. I thought it looked like they were about to be eaten. There was actually a little cave the boys crawled though. They thought that was pretty neat.
Thanksgiving 2007
This was our first Thanksgiving hosting in our house! I just kept thinking about how things have changed in a year's time. A year ago I was 9 months pregnant, we had just moved into a rental, Scott had just gotten a new job, and I knew nobody out here except his family. When it came to be my turn to say what I was thankful for, I could have talked the rest of the day but I knew nobody wanted to listen to me babble on. God continues to be faithful.
scott took this one!
The kids waited for the company patiently.
Vanessa, Scott's sister, is a super-talented photographer. She uses a film Canon and does an excellent job. We went and did a little mini-shoot with the kids. I can't wait to get the photos that she shot!
scott took this one!
kisses from nana!
piggy-back rides from daddy! (I am SOOO thankful for that man!)
We also made a new friend! Missy came down with Vanessa from Branson to visit. She is such a fun-loving person and I'm glad she was here. I can't wait for them to come live here in a couple months!
I did make a 22 lb turkey (haha!) and we had a full spread of food (nancy's cooking is near chef-like). I guess I was a little too busy to take pictures but it was great fun and we all stuffed ourselves silly!
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Dana had her house so cozy and totally decked out for Christmas. There were candles lit and it smelled wonderful! Even the football game on tv reminded me that Christmas is almost here!
What a handsome couple,
and boy!
Besides running her own daycare , Dana also sells Gold Canyon Candles.
Thank you so much for yet another great session!
Miss G Turns 2!
I am about a week behind with blogging. I wanted to put some pics up of my friend's daughter's party last weekend. It was held at My Gym and the excitement didn't stop for the kids. Miss G loves the Doodlebops and her party was everything Doodlebops! Miss G's dad is our worship leader and Sunday School Teacher at church and does an amazing job at both. I cannot say enough good things about her mom either. She is a very giving and sweet person who I am so glad we get to talk often even if our talks are brief.
A Wonderfully Busy Weekend
G is for...
God, the almighty! I don't know where I would be on a day-to-day basis without knowing that someone out there knows me and remembers me and cares about the little situations that happen.
A little narration in the van today coming back from getting a turkey the store:
Simon out of nowhere with a mouthfull of candy, "Gof is 'mazin!"
Jonah, "Your right, God is amazing! He is even bigger than trucks and space. Mom, is God bigger than space?"
Me, "Yes, sweetie, He made space."
Jonah, "Simon, He made space and cars and Pizza Hut and the Valley and Phoenix and windows..."
A little while later...
Jonah, "Simon, God is in Heaven now, but he'll be back. He died on a cross and did he stay dead? Simon, I asked you did he stayed dead!?!"
Simon, "No."
Jonah, "You're right, he didn't stay dead! Give me five!"
They high five and go on eating their candy.
They high five and go on eating their candy.
I wish I had a recorder and could listen to it over and over. I thought it was neat that I had the radio on and the song was playing, "I can feel Your presence over me." Very appropriate.
ALL MY TURKEYS IN THE CART! (It's a balmy 85 degrees here today :)
A Beautiful Family!

F is for...
Friday! Family! Fun! (I'm double dipping.)
I was very blessed to meet up with this family again. This family has a super-talented mom who makes amazing diaper cakes, scrapbooks like nobody's business, and stays at home with her three adorable children. There dad is pretty cool, too!
Three kids and still in love!
It was the littlest's naptime so we'll be getting together to do some more next week. I can't wait since this family is such a joy to be around!
*We love family fun night! We're taking the boys to see the Bee Movie tonight while Trin goes and spends some time with some of her "boyfriends". (Ok, typing that was a little too scary.)
My Tuesday
I took a much-needed break from the computer today. We went and ate breakfast with my friends from the MOMS Club at Kazoo's Cafe (the pumpkin bagels with cinnamon swirl cream cheese were yummy!) and stopped in to see my friend at Duderbugs. I got Trinity the cutest pair of tennies for $5 and some other little things since it is getting a little cooler here. I think that place is so neat and the owner so sweet :) I spent the rest of my day cleaning and catching up on random things.

*a pictures from a great weekend session -this family is so neat -more to come :)
E is for...!
~ava in wonderland~
I just spent way too much time on this site. It's a bit overwhelming. You can go to this blog and get a taste of my favorite shop of the site:
She has done some prints for another photographer's mother who lost her Super Princess daughter Ava in an accident earlier this year. They are just breathtaking to me and exactly what I would like to catch at every session. They remind me that time is short, to enjoy every moment with your children, and let them be young and innocent for as long as you can.
D is for...
Thank God for Dirty Dishes
Thank God for Dirty Dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others are going hungry,
We're eating very well.
With home and health and happiness,
I shouldn't want to fuss.
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.
Thank God for Dirty Dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others are going hungry,
We're eating very well.
With home and health and happiness,
I shouldn't want to fuss.
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.

*My amazing sister Becky had her 4th baby last night! Her name is Paige Rebecca. I can't wait to meet the little joy but I'll just have to wait until Christmas. Congratulations! Give her lots of kisses from Auntie Paula!*
2 open sessions left in november!
i am so close to filling up the month of november. if you would like to schedule a november session please call asap so i can get you in. i have this saturday, the 10th, afternoon open and the morning of the 24th open. i may be able to squeeze in a weekday late afternoon but otherwise i am on full capacity!!! thank you for all the calls and i can't wait to meet all of you for your sessions!
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