We did not go to church yesterday because I have a conscious about breathing around people in close spaces when I am sick. Late afternoon, about the time when the kids were going stir-crazy, I packed up the van with picnic supplies and told Scott we were headed out to buy a kite. At that point, I don't think he was going to argue.
It was a gorgeous afternoon. The kite was taller than 6 feet and I thought it would carry the boys away with it. That would have been something! We have these huge fields of green grass here in Maricopa that are perfect for flying a kite!
Jonah absolutely loved flying the kite. Simon and Trinity mainly hung out in the shade and ate their sandwiches.
Scott had never flown a kite before in his whole life! I'll get him trained yet ;) He looked like a professional out there.

I let Jonah take some pictures...a future photographer?

and finally, a good picture of Simon! It really was a good day!
*I have a list of 101 in 1001 started and this is one of them. The list is only about half done and really it's just stuff I want to do before I turn thirty. Check one off! I'll post the list someday.