I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!

Baby J: 4 Days New!

I absolutely wanted to bring this little guy home but I don't think they are going to let him go. Thanks P & D for an excellent newborn session! He's precious!

We can't leave out Mr. T. What a great 2-year-old! He wasn't quite sure of his new baby brother but we had fun!

Quick Break

I'm just taking a break from cleaning to make an update on the Stiller Family.
Jonah blows my mind every day with what he knows and says. We were out playing tic-tac-toe on the back patio. I was O's and he was supposed to be X's. He started drawing lines instead of X's. I asked him why he was drawing lines and he answered, "Because I am the Line King."

It's hard to catch a picture of Simon these days since we are potty-training and he's usually naked or only in underpants. He loves the new show on PBS called "Super Wy". I caught an eyelash shot this morning while he was watching. Hip! Hip! Hooray! His favorite thing to say right now is poopy and adds it before anything. "That's a poopy sandwich." I think he gets it from his dad ;)

Our little princess is growing to be quite independent. She walks around constantly picking things up and moving them around the house for me :) At our neighborhood playground (the ant playground) she can climb the stairs up to the top and go down the slide (with help). She also has daddy wrapped around her finger. Last night she laid in his lap and just stared into his eyes. I wanted to go grab the camera but it was one of those moments to just enjoy. Here she is playing in the dirt with her brothers.

Its going to be a busy week. Tonight I'm off to do a 4-day-old baby. I met the mommy at Founder's Day when she was about to pop :) I'll put up pictures soon I'm sure because she wants them for his baby announcements!

God is good!

God put another person in my life that I know is going to be extra special. (Does He ever stop?...haha!) This beautiful lady called me last week and asked if I could photograph her daughter's 2nd birthday party. What a Pink Poodle Party it was! You can check out more pictures on her amazing blog: http://pfeiferfamily.blogspot.com/. Thanks, N!

We are going to be starting a MOPS Club soon! Please let me know if you are interested in helping out.

I *heart* this family!

All five of these beautiful children have been adopted by one lovely woman. Thank you, D! You are so blessed as am I for getting to take your pictures!

Anne Geddes

This is one woman that I really look up to. We are so similar. She is a middle child of five girls...I am a middle child of five girls. I am a photographer...she is a photographer. She has a blog...I have a blog. She has a gorgeous accent...I do not. Okay, maybe we're not all that alike but there are some similarities.

I happened to switch on the tv this morning and saw her promoting her new biography Labor of Love (in stores today.) I can't quote her exactly but she said something like this during the interview:

I think it's unfortunate when the kids are off playing in the background and the photographer is busy setting up the perfect scene when the magic is already happening behind them.

If any friends/family are reading this and wonder what to get me for Christmas...here's a hint...heehee!

Beautiful Ballerina




Spikey #2 (don't tell)
(no fish were harmed in the shooting of this photo)

...and some other favorites from recent sessions!

The Battle

It lasted for hours...

but alas came two victors!

I love my boys!

Christmas Portrait Package!

As of the second I am typing, there are 66 days, 14 hours, and 50 minutes until Christmas! Please don't wait to schedule your appointment!

$150 Holiday Package
25 FREE 5X7 PHOTO CARDS FROM TINYPRINTS.COM (check them out because they are SOOO cute)

I only have 20 open sessions so schedule quickly.

Thanks so much for all your support and kind words! I do appreciate referrals!

~Paula Stiller~

Little Miss K

We went out and battled the wind last night but it turned out to be a great shoot! Little Miss K is so sweet and full of spunk (gotta love that!) It was a fun time as you can tell! Thanks for a fun evening at the park, you guys!
Love it!

A Beautiful Day in the 'Copa

It was another beautiful day today. The highs were in the mid-80s. Yesterday we had a busy day and met some very neat people at Founders' Day so it was good to relax today. We went to church this morning and the kids played outside most of the day. Here's a picture I took while they played outside. At one point, this little sweetie came in and her white dress was brown. No thanks to a 2 year old brother of hers!

R & M's Little Miracle

When someone calls to set up an appointment, I usually ask some questions and try to get to know them a little better. When M told me her story, I knew this would be a special session. You see, R & M were told that they could not have children so they decided to adopt. In the midst of the process, a miracle occurred and here are the results!

I'll be doing some more newborn pictures in a couple more weeks!

It was so much fun being with you two. This little person you're bringing into the world is so blessed already. I'm sure he/she will come out with a great big smile because I know I smiled the whole time I was with you.

A Little Miracle!

I have another maternity session to post tomorrow.
I'll share their amazing story, also. Here's a little preview!

Baby on Board!

I am absolutely adoring new parents-to-be. Something about how he looks at her, she looks at him, and they both look at the baby in wonder and excitement.

Friday night, I had the awesome opportunity to do a maternity shoot and hang out with D & C. They drove quite a way to get these done and I am honored that they decided to come down.

We met over at the waterfalls and came back and then set up a make-shift studio at our house since we couldn't go to their home. They came with some ideas and that always makes my job easier and I learn that way also. Once again, it's hard to choose which ones to post, but here you two go:

They are decorating the baby's nursery in western and wanted some westernish pictures.

I know you two are going to be extraordinary parents! Can't wait to meet the little guy in a couple weeks!

new things in the air

i love fall. it might be my favorite season. there is a crisp coolness in the air. the kids can go play outside. i can open the windows. the colors change (at least somewhere). the anticipation of the holidays. the smell of pumpkin pie. i could go on and on. we have had plenty of excitement here. here is just a short list.

*new house
*scott's new job
*jonah turned 5 - i've been a mom for five years
*photography in full swing
*helping with the church awana program

we are definately blessed beyond our belief. god is faithful to those who are faithful. i truly believe that.

i did do 2 maternity photography sessions this past weekend. i cannot say enough about these two couples. we had so much fun. i can't put any up now as i need to go clean the kitchen but i will get some up soon.

i am working on the website right now...new pictures...new songs (Newsboys!). the photo program i use got some new features so i've been having fun with the kiddos doing some artsy stuff.

Party at the Park

Moms Club met at the playground today. Sometimes it's nice to get out in the midst of craziness and just chat with some other mommies. You ladies are great. Thanks for the fun morning!

The whole gang!

The babes!

Trinity standing up and throwing sand in the bucket. She's too little to do that!

The older kids rockin' it on the jungle gym.

...and what's going on here?