I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!

A Beautiful Day in the 'Copa

It was another beautiful day today. The highs were in the mid-80s. Yesterday we had a busy day and met some very neat people at Founders' Day so it was good to relax today. We went to church this morning and the kids played outside most of the day. Here's a picture I took while they played outside. At one point, this little sweetie came in and her white dress was brown. No thanks to a 2 year old brother of hers!

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