My heart bursts with love for this little guy. I almost can't say little guy much longer because he is growing so fast. He's such a big helper and leader to his little brother and sister. We were definately blessed when God sent us this one. He is pure boy with a huge heart and desire to please God and his parents. Here are some reasons he fills me with delight:
*He loves the verse "Love one another" right now and likes to quote it when someone hurts somebody else.
*Sometimes we ask him about a girlfriend or who he is going to marry. He replies with his list of necessary qualities: 1. pretty 2. nice and of course, 3. must be able to breakdance
*He'll come and tell me something he did wrong and say with his big puppy-dog eyes, "But I told you the truth, Mom." (That almost works sometimes.)
*He wrote some rules on the computer the other day that looked like this:
His intepretion:
1. don't hit 2. don't kick 3. don't spit on the computer screen 4. jonah
I don't know what #4 means (?).
*He likes to pray before meals. It usually goes something like this:
Lord, thank you for this food. thank you for my friends and family. thank you for this house. thank you for my stuff. thank you for the wonderful valley. i love you. amen.
*When he prays at night he always wants to ask for protection for the army dudes :)
*He gives the sweetest little kisses and gentlest big hugs. Last night Simon gave me 3 sweet kisses before bed. Jonah wanted to do better so he gave me 10 kisses and made me count each slobbery one.