We had an amazing Saturday celebrating the friendship of a lady named Juanita. I, personally, did not get to know Juanita until we moved down here to Arizona. She has let us stay at her home several times when we go up the mountain. She put it on herself to "adopt" all the missionary kids with United Indian Mission and show them love and support through the good and the bad times and makes it a point to keep in contact and pray for each one of them. I didn't get to hear all the stories but from what I heard I know she has had a huge impact in so many lives, including my hubby's. Juanita has worked with UIM since they were just starting out and has an incredible love for everybody but a special place in her heart for Native Americans. She is now in the process of writing a book that I will be sure to read and tell everyone when it comes out. She is a beautiful woman of God and an example to all of us. Thanks, Juanita!
The party was held at the orchard so we had to pick some oranges and of course take some pictures :) I spent most of the day in the orchard with the kids. It is a kid's dreamland where the adventures never end. They were utterly exhausted at the end of the day, as was I.
the boys with their worm

Scott with the orange picker (he said he wouldn't help if he couldn't use the picker)

the delicious harvest (only 5 of the 3 grocery bags full)

and one to go on...
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