We have returned from an exciting and tumultuous vacation! I took over 800 pictures and have no idea where to start blogging about them. Our trip included a beautiful drive through snowy Colorado (including a trip over 10,850 foot Wolf Creek Pass in snow), Christmas with my family(to condense it mildly), sledding and playing in the snow, and just relaxing if you can imagine that.
Even though all that was great, I'm going to have to say that the highlight of out trip was definately going to Fort Dodge, Kansas. This is where my Grandma and Grandpa live. While we were away, we learned that my Grandpa (whom Simon James is named after) has a critical type of lung cancer that is very advanced. We had the pleasure of getting to spend some time with Great-Grandpa in the hospital. They don't look too happy in this picture but warmed up once they opened their amazing gifts. I love his proud look on his face. He loves his grandkids and great-grandkids so much. I got to spend some qualtiy one-on-one time with him while the kids went down to the cafeteria to party with Great-Grandma. Love you, Grandpa!

The trip was about 12 hours out of our way and Scott wasn't too sure he wanted to try it with all the weather. Grandma took us out for breakfast the morning that we left and Scott told her that he was very glad that we made it out. My cousin and friend Jonathan met us at the restaurant after driving all night. I don't think I'll ever forget looking down at Grandma sitting at the end of the table with her head down and eyes welling with tears and saying quietly, "God works in the most mysterious ways." I can't even imagine what she is going through right now but to say that in the midst of it all...even if it was just about that Jonathan and I got to see each other for a couple minutes...I think it meant a lot more.
I am honored that we got to name our Trinity Virginia after her Great-Grandma Virginia. I am so glad they got to meet and spend some together even if Trinity won't remember, I'm glad we have this picture for her to keep forever. Love you too, Grandma!
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