I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!


(Scott laughed when he saw the title.) I'm having a bit of an obsession right now with decorating the house. Since this is the first house we've actually owned I feel like I should make it well...homey. My parent's house is so inviting and comfortable. I want my friends to feel that way when they come into our house. I have been bothered by this big blank wall in our living room for too long and it was time to do something about it. It's not done yet but here's a teaser. I e-mailed Mandy from Belle and Boo over in London and got an e-mail back saying she wants pictures for her blog when I'm done. I hope I can do her work justice. Isn't this adorable?

I also just found another favorite site off another favorite site
It's really late now and we are going to the zoo tomorrow with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and our friend Missy! I just had to share.

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