A Time to~
~A time to die. I know I say it all the time but I truly believe with all my heart that God works in the most mysterious ways. My Grandpa ended his pain and went to Heaven Saturday morning. I have so many memories of him that make me so happy. When I was real little I would snuggle between Grandma and him in the big bed. Someone would always toot and they would laugh and say, "Well, Polly!" and we would laugh and laugh. He had a big flea market he used to let us kids run around. Sometimes he would take us garage saling and put us to "work." He smoked a cherry tobacco pipe for most of my childhood. He would hand us kids cash and make us run into the smoke place and get him some more tobacco. He had a big round metal horse trough that he would fill with water and we would swim and swim until our feet were raw. I loved visiting Grandpa in the hospital. He had a steel rod put in his leg and I remember pushing him around in his wheelchair until we had toured the whole hospital. One time when I was older I got into some trouble and Grandma and him took me to get ice cream. They were so mad I guess that's all they could do to cool down. He always let us be kids and loved being a Grandpa and Great-Grandpa. I know I said it before but I am glad I named Simon after him. Simon James has that little twinkle of awnriness and spark of mischief that Grandpa always seemed to have in his eyes. We never knew what he had up his sleeve next. He would say, "Come here ya awnry little dutchman." Us girls would run and scream with delight. On the last day I saw him, he said, "I probably won't see you for a while." At least I know for sure that I will be seeing him and we'll have a great time again. Above is the memorial and some neat information about him.
~A time to be born. My beautiful sister Carrie in Kansas City had baby boy yesterday! His name is Sampras Lee (Sampras after Pete and Lee after my Grandma - I hope I spelled it right.) My heart is breaking that I can't be there to see the little guy and his big sister Sophia. Congratulations, Jeremy, Carrie, and Sophia! Love you so much!

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