I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!


I got some pictures from my sister of my new nephew Sampras! I was so wishing I could jump into my imaginary elevator and get sucked over to Kansas City (like those thingies the bank)* then I got a letter from my dear friend and neighbor from Kansas City Martha who wrote - "It is snowing here like a blizzard...temp dropped from 65 yesterday to 20 or under........". Maybe I'll just stay comfortabe in Arizona but it would be nice to snuggle up with a newborn. Enjoy it, Carrie! He is so doggone handsome!

I am so excited today. This last weekend we were blessed with some great new neighbors who have 2 boys around our boys' ages. It just works out that I get to watch her boys a couple days a week while she works. The boys play together so well and are really enjoying each other. Right now it's quiet time. Two out of the five are zonked. As for me, I think I'll sleep well tonight.

*p.s. If they invent this you know where they got the idea :)

Rainy Sunday Afternoon

It's a dreary day here and we're all going to the birds...haha! We didn't go to church this morning because of the coughing that everyone is doing. There is so much going around everywhere it seems. Anyway, here's the finished mural above my sink. I like it a lot.

My sister Melissa sells these iris folding patterns and I made one today and framed it. I think it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. If you go on ebay you can go seller rev!ve. Then you can browse through her patterns. She has some super-cute stuff for Valentine's Day and any other occasion. Tell her I sent you :)

My mom also is an excellent artist to put it mildly. She definately has been an inspiration and taught me everything I know She paints rocks that are so amazing. I just wanted to put these up today. She also sells rocks so if you have an order she will willingly oblige.

Finger Painting!

It started out so clean...
then things got dirty.... and the noises got funny...love the full head toss back laugh!
*If you enjoy doing a special activity with your children and are interested in capturing those moments professionally, please contact me about my A Day in the Life session and I will be happy to come play!
**We hiked South Mountain again over the weekend. I did not take my camera with me this time. We went with Vanessa and Missy on a little harder trail than usual. There's nothing like a huge mountain kicking you in the bottom to let you know how out of shape you are. Scott said he thought he was going to have to leave me for dead...ha! Anyway, we started a competition race around the block (Scott thinks it is about half a mile.) It took me ten minutes last night but I didn't run the whole thing. It took Scott 5 min 20 sec. My goal is to run the whole thing and then work up from there. It feels good to run again after about 5 years without running (that is not running after kids.)

Word of the Year

I was recently challenged by a friend to come up with a word for the year. Last week a line from a song kept repeating in my head which just happens to also be a verse from the Psalms.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Psalm 51:12
Last week was a tough week for me with several things happening within the family and life in general that really stole my joy and discouraged me. This usually happens when I take my eyes off of my Creator and turn them on myself and my situation. So my word for the year is:

Restore my relationship with God the Father, my husband, my children, my new and old friends, my house, my physical body, etc., etc. The list could go on and on but I just know when God is out of focus that's when the rest of my world gets real fuzzy and out of control. It's funny how it works that way every time.

The Tree

I really like to paint a lot! I finished the tree mural a couple days ago and am still getting used to it. The kids love it and were so excited while I was painting. They even helped a little. We'll see how long it sticks around. It's 52 degrees today so we're staying inside. It's been so nice the last couple days we've been able to go to the playground. Simon dressed himself this morning. I love the double shirt look with shorts. He's such a sweetie. Jonah is on his second lesson of reading today. He almost knows all his letter sounds and ready to move on to helper words. Trinity is getting some molars and being a little clingy which I don't mind unless I need something done. Oh well! That's the life of a mom with 3 kiddos.

The Little Things

I have wanted a cake stand for a long time and never wanted to spend the money so when I opened my Christmas present from my superstar sister Heather I was pleased to say the least! I probably won't get a "Thank You" note out so this is the best I'll do. Thanks, Heather! BTW, Heather works for Focus on the Family. HOLLA! I know you all are out there reading this. I think FOTF leads for the most votes in the P.S. Sweet Dreams contest also :) Tell Heather thanks from me if you see her!

Hold Me in the Cradle of Your Hand

What has become clear to me though is that you can plan and hope all you want, you can imagine and presume and expect life to go a certain way but really, there is no watertight guarantee. All the days are "normal". The happy ones, the sick ones, the bored ones, the tragic ones. I am no expert, I have less clarity than the average person but what I have found, because of One Normal Day, is this:
Live each day, every single day, with the understanding that one does not necessarily lead into the other. Hug your family. Tight. Put aside What Does Not Matter. Tomorrow could be a completely new kind of normal.
S xxx (Sheye Rosemeyer)
Sheye got me thinking about Grandpa and I was thinking about the peace that God gives when you know a loved one has gone to Heaven and this song says it all. I do like gospel and this boy can sing pretty well :) I especially like the high parts.
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
I don't know about tomorrow;I just live from day to day.I don't borrow from its sunshineFor its skies may turn to grey.I don't worry o'er the future,For I know what Jesus said.And today I'll walk beside Him,For He knows what is ahead.Many things about tomorrowI don't seem to understandBut I know who holds tomorrowAnd I know who holds my hand.

Every step is getting brighterAs the golden stairs I climb;Every burden's getting lighter,Every cloud is silver-lined.There the sun is always shining,There no tear will dim the eye;At the ending of the rainbowWhere the mountains touch the sky.Many things about tomorrowI don't seem to understandBut I know who holds tomorrowAnd I know who holds my hand.

I don't know about tomorrow;It may bring me poverty.But the one who feeds the sparrow,Is the one who stands by me.And the path that is my portionMay be through the flame or flood;But His presence goes before meAnd I'm covered with His blood.Many things about tomorrowI don't seem to understandBut I know who holds tomorrowAnd I know who holds my hand.

Burkhart-Ziegler Funeral Chapel : Dodge City, Kansas (KS)

Burkhart-Ziegler Funeral Chapel : Dodge City, Kansas (KS)

A Time to~

~A time to die. I know I say it all the time but I truly believe with all my heart that God works in the most mysterious ways. My Grandpa ended his pain and went to Heaven Saturday morning. I have so many memories of him that make me so happy. When I was real little I would snuggle between Grandma and him in the big bed. Someone would always toot and they would laugh and say, "Well, Polly!" and we would laugh and laugh. He had a big flea market he used to let us kids run around. Sometimes he would take us garage saling and put us to "work." He smoked a cherry tobacco pipe for most of my childhood. He would hand us kids cash and make us run into the smoke place and get him some more tobacco. He had a big round metal horse trough that he would fill with water and we would swim and swim until our feet were raw. I loved visiting Grandpa in the hospital. He had a steel rod put in his leg and I remember pushing him around in his wheelchair until we had toured the whole hospital. One time when I was older I got into some trouble and Grandma and him took me to get ice cream. They were so mad I guess that's all they could do to cool down. He always let us be kids and loved being a Grandpa and Great-Grandpa. I know I said it before but I am glad I named Simon after him. Simon James has that little twinkle of awnriness and spark of mischief that Grandpa always seemed to have in his eyes. We never knew what he had up his sleeve next. He would say, "Come here ya awnry little dutchman." Us girls would run and scream with delight. On the last day I saw him, he said, "I probably won't see you for a while." At least I know for sure that I will be seeing him and we'll have a great time again. Above is the memorial and some neat information about him.~A time to be born. My beautiful sister Carrie in Kansas City had baby boy yesterday! His name is Sampras Lee (Sampras after Pete and Lee after my Grandma - I hope I spelled it right.) My heart is breaking that I can't be there to see the little guy and his big sister Sophia. Congratulations, Jeremy, Carrie, and Sophia! Love you so much!


(Scott laughed when he saw the title.) I'm having a bit of an obsession right now with decorating the house. Since this is the first house we've actually owned I feel like I should make it well...homey. My parent's house is so inviting and comfortable. I want my friends to feel that way when they come into our house. I have been bothered by this big blank wall in our living room for too long and it was time to do something about it. It's not done yet but here's a teaser. I e-mailed Mandy from Belle and Boo over in London and got an e-mail back saying she wants pictures for her blog when I'm done. I hope I can do her work justice. Isn't this adorable?

I also just found another favorite site off another favorite site
It's really late now and we are going to the zoo tomorrow with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and our friend Missy! I just had to share.

Please Look Below for A Special Contest!

I tried to move it to the top but I don't think I can. Thanks!

A New Car!

I just wanted to sound like the Price Is Right. Here's the picture I promised ever so long ago. It is a Dodge Caravan base model. Everybody asks if it has the swivel seats but it doesn't which is fine. It was a huge blessing on our trip and I know will be in the future. Another huge THANK YOU to my rockin' customers who allowed us to put a nice down payment on it. Another blessing happened yesterday when I listed our old van on Craigslist.com. We were bombarded with phone calls for an hour straight and sold it for cash within 4 hours. Praise the Lord!

*On a sidenote, my Grandpa took a turn for the worse within the last couple of days. If you would say a prayer for the family and especially my Grandma, I'd be grateful.

Happy 6th Anniversary to Us!

1 wedding, 2 naive people, 3 children, 4 moves, 5 jobs, 6 years, and by the grace of God more in love than ever!!!

Scott and I were married on January 1st.


I think I photographed the most beautiful newborns of 2007!
So...Tara Whitney had her best foot forward contest and The Image is Found had their best ring picture 2007 contest and I have thought way too hard about a contest I can have for my clients of 2007. Finally, I came up with P.S. Sweet Dreams ~ sleepy newborn pictures!
I am going to post my sleepy newborn favorites from the year. You will vote. The winner will get a 5x7 nicely framed and matted print!

the photos corresponding number will be ON TOP of the image.
please e-mail your votes to stillhere821@msn.com

clients-feel free to have friends and family vote for your image!
i will take votes until midnight, Friday, January 31st.
Again, I think they are all great, just wanting to spice things up a little :)

e-mail from jesh!

in my inbox this morning. i thought it was nice of him to add a p.s. :)

hello, wonderful Paula! and thank you so much for joining us in the explore! awards winter '07.

we just want to congratulate you on your top 10 nomination! as well as thank you for your continued support of our efforts to *explore*.

we received more than twice the number of submissions for this contest, making it even harder to choose our nominations, but we sure appreciate your willingness to share your vision and creativity.

continue exploring!

jesh : )

p.s. share the

the people's choice,,,(explore awards) - 8th place!

I was shocked today when I saw my name on one of my favorite photographer's blogs. He was holding a contest called the explore awards. I entered before I left and somewhat forgot about it. I don't know how many people entered but I do know my picture was nominated by 4 of the greatest photographers (The Image is Found, Brianna Graham, Jessica Claire, and Jesh De Rox-who held the contest). The cool thing is I may have done better if I would have told everyone to vote. The particular contest was:
connection (c): images that feature the beautiful connections between us.

1) C-6 - Stephanie Beaty2) C-3 - Susan Yee3) C-2 - Cristina NavarroC-10 - Hailey BartholomewC-4 - Ron StorerC-7 - Shannon StewartC-5 - Heather Cole C-8 - Paula Stiller C-9 - Kim McMillanC-1 - Angie Monson
The great thing about this picture is the truth to it. Thanks again, R, M, & D!!!

Happy New Year!!!

We have returned from an exciting and tumultuous vacation! I took over 800 pictures and have no idea where to start blogging about them. Our trip included a beautiful drive through snowy Colorado (including a trip over 10,850 foot Wolf Creek Pass in snow), Christmas with my family(to condense it mildly), sledding and playing in the snow, and just relaxing if you can imagine that.
Even though all that was great, I'm going to have to say that the highlight of out trip was definately going to Fort Dodge, Kansas. This is where my Grandma and Grandpa live. While we were away, we learned that my Grandpa (whom Simon James is named after) has a critical type of lung cancer that is very advanced. We had the pleasure of getting to spend some time with Great-Grandpa in the hospital. They don't look too happy in this picture but warmed up once they opened their amazing gifts. I love his proud look on his face. He loves his grandkids and great-grandkids so much. I got to spend some qualtiy one-on-one time with him while the kids went down to the cafeteria to party with Great-Grandma. Love you, Grandpa!
The trip was about 12 hours out of our way and Scott wasn't too sure he wanted to try it with all the weather. Grandma took us out for breakfast the morning that we left and Scott told her that he was very glad that we made it out. My cousin and friend Jonathan met us at the restaurant after driving all night. I don't think I'll ever forget looking down at Grandma sitting at the end of the table with her head down and eyes welling with tears and saying quietly, "God works in the most mysterious ways." I can't even imagine what she is going through right now but to say that in the midst of it all...even if it was just about that Jonathan and I got to see each other for a couple minutes...I think it meant a lot more.
I am honored that we got to name our Trinity Virginia after her Great-Grandma Virginia. I am so glad they got to meet and spend some together even if Trinity won't remember, I'm glad we have this picture for her to keep forever. Love you too, Grandma!