I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!

God is good!

God put another person in my life that I know is going to be extra special. (Does He ever stop?...haha!) This beautiful lady called me last week and asked if I could photograph her daughter's 2nd birthday party. What a Pink Poodle Party it was! You can check out more pictures on her amazing blog: http://pfeiferfamily.blogspot.com/. Thanks, N!

We are going to be starting a MOPS Club soon! Please let me know if you are interested in helping out.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

You are so sweet! Thanks Paula! I think you are amazing and a very special friend! Can't wait to see what God has in store for us :)