I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!

D is for...

Thank God for Dirty Dishes

Thank God for Dirty Dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others are going hungry,
We're eating very well.
With home and health and happiness,
I shouldn't want to fuss.
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.
~just another lazy sunday afternoon~

*My amazing sister Becky had her 4th baby last night! Her name is Paige Rebecca. I can't wait to meet the little joy but I'll just have to wait until Christmas. Congratulations! Give her lots of kisses from Auntie Paula!*

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