I am a God-lovin', husband-huggin', kid-growin', bubble-blowin', picture-takin', diaper-changin', house-cleanin', Bible-readin', kid-watchin', clothes-washin', craft-makin', cookie-bakin', grocery-shoppin', blog-stalkin', wall-paintin', decoratin', SAHMin', WAHMin', mother of three...and loving every bit of it!

life on pause

*my life is on pause at the moment because my baby is sick :( if you need to get a hold of me for any reason, please give me a call. thanks!

*i still have a 3mth old shoot to post from last week!

*my website hit another record last month! *happy dance*

*we went to Window Rock (northeast AZ) over the weekend to see my parents and traveled with their mission group and Navajo friend Mr.Pete to see Canyon de Chelly. took tons of pictures and enjoyed ourselves immensely! Scott and Jonah hiked to the bottom of the Canyon to where the ruins sit and Scott got this amazing picture plus many more!
*and lastly, i just got a HUGE box in the mail containing some awesome canvases!!!

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